belie Oliver Stone's conspiracy theory in JFK

which to hang his elaborate conspiracy theory.

Others agreed. John Dodt, 65, said he knew Shaw and saw him "regularly” at concerts and operas.

In the movie, noted Dodt, Shaw is "made out to be an effete snob."

"That wasn't really the case," said Dodt. Dodt also agreed with Burglass that is was "very unlikely" that Shaw would have associated with Ferrie, whom many people characterized as "crazy."

Burglass said he also believes it's possible that who Perry really saw with Ferrie and Oswald--if he did, in fact, see Ferrie and Oswald with someone--was not Shaw but another man portrayed in the film who bore a "striking resemblance" to Shaw.

"It's possible there could have been some confusion between Clay Shaw and Guy Bannister," said Burglass. “Bannister bore a striking resemblance to Clay Shaw." He said both men had similar crewcut style haircuts and gray hair.

Garrison also tried to link Clay Shaw to Oswald through statements made by an attorney who counseled Oswald on an immigration matter. That attorney, Dean Andrews, said he know Oswald was involved with a New Orleans man named "Clay Bertrand." Garrison tried to show that "Clay Bertrand" was an alias used by Clay Shaw.

But Andrews gave conflicting information about "Clay Bertrand," and Garrison tried him for perjury.

Burglass, who represented Andrews during that perjury trial, told the Washington Blade that Andrews told him that he completely fabricated the existence of a "Clay Bertrand." Burglass said he, too, served as a consultant on JFK and serves in a cameo role, as a courtroom observer behind Shaw during Shaw's trial. Both Burglass and others criticized Stone's por-

trayal of Shaw as a wealthy playboy, using drugs, and occasionally flaunting an effeminate manner in public-things they said were untrue of Shaw.

Shaw, Ferrie, Bannister, Oswald, and Andrews are all dead. Perry is alive and directory assistance provides a telephone number for him in New Orleans; however, there was no answer at the number when a reporter called. Garrison is reportedly seriously ill and is declining interviews.

With so many of the principals dead and so many of the key documents locked up until 2029, it will not surprise many people that rumors are rampant involving everyone. Almost a dozen people in New Orleans familiar with many of the principals and interviewed for this article relayed several dramatic rumors about people on both sides of the Garrison investigation in a consistent manner. Many of the rumors seemed aimed at explaining why-other than the reasons protrayed in the filmGarrison's investigation focused in on Shaw. In each case, the rumors were very negative about some of the principals who are still alive and very much heresay.

In fact, almost everyone interviewed for this article agreed that new attention should be focused on that investigation. They just resent that filmmaker Stone was willing to protray some gay men in a dismayingly stereotypical way in order to make his point.

"Moviegoers who derive their primary information about gays and lesbians from movies will find their negative impressions of gays reinforced by Stone's depiction of two bizarre gay characters as part of a plot to kill the president and of a gay hustler as a fascist," said Richard Jennings, executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation in Los Angeles. GLAAD/LA said it met with Stone on December 4, two weeks before


a psychological practice

Moore and Associates is proud to announce an expansion in psychological services to the lesbian/gay/bisexual community. Three openly lesbian/gay therapists are now available:

Peggy Keating, M.A., L.S.W. psychology assistant

Douglas J. Moore, Ph.D. clinical psychologist

Steven G. Whitehouse, M.Ed. counselor

the film opened. In that meeting, according to a GLAAD/LA press release, Stone said that to depict Garrison's theory, it was necessary to depict a "gay underground" which Garrison believed linked Shaw and Ferrie.

But, said GLAAD, “some of the script's scenes struck GLAAD as gratuitous and overly fuocused on the sexual practices of those characters.'


Page 5

Noting that Stone is reportedly working on a film about San Francisco's slain openly gay supervisor Harvey Milk, GLAAD/LA stated that it is "hopeful" that its conversations with Stone have "sufficiently sensitized him to gay con-


Reprinted with permission from the Washington Blade.

Scoops owner opens new Space

by Patty M.

A few months back a reader wrote in to the Chronicle expressing his or her upset (the letter was signed "Name Withheld'') over the closing of Scoops & Ladles restaurant on the West Side of Cleveland. Though a number of different points were cited, I think the letter's author spoke for many of us when ending with the sentiment that they felt they'd lost their club.

Indeed, Scoops was just that for a large part of our population. It was a club. A clubhouse. A place where we could find a fair meal for a fair price. And if coffee was all we wanted, we could still expect to find gracious treatment by our host, owner Barry Yow.

Not known to sit too still for too long, Barry's out of a short-lived retirement and now inviting the community into his Free Space... Yes, we really do have a "club" today. Barry opened his seven-day a week establishment in late October and already a good crowd has found its way to the doors of Free Space.

And what's so "Free" about it? Cost, for one. Six nights a week there's no cover for admittance. There's a dance each Saturday night and it's $2.00 at the door, but even then the coffee or decaf is on the

house, so it's quite the bargain.

And it's drug and alcohol-free. In his own words, Barry suggests that Free Space is a recreation center "where members of our community can meet and have some fun without the presence of alcohol and drugs. We believe this is something that has been missing for a very long time."

So, it's small on cost and big on fun: pool table, pinball machine, video games, juke box with old and new music, big screen T.V. room for things like Monday Night Football and Thursday Night at the Movies, and a reasonable dance floor (where you don't have to worry about getting a beer spilled down your back!). There's hot beverages, cold soft drinks/ juices, and snack food. It's sober and safe and welcoming to 12-step program and non-program friends alike. Stop in to congratulate Barry on his latest community endeavor, and join the club . . . at Free Space.

Free Space is located at the corner of West 52nd St. and Franklin Ave.--just south of the Big Egg--behind C & O Video Rentals--use side entrance.

Hours: Sunday through Friday 6:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.; Saturday 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. No cover charge except for Saturday night dances and special events.

Report Anti-Gay Violence



Threats and Verbal Abuse Police Abuse

Call the police at 911, if they aren't already involved. When they arrive, tell them it's a hate crime.

Call the Center at 781-6736 or 522-1999. Their Maryann Finegan Project will give personal support and help with police and courts.

Call the federal Hate Crime Statistics Hotline--this includes anti-gay ones--at 800-347-4283. These stats can help prove the need for legislation.



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